
Automate outbound with signals. Save your reps 2 hours a day.

Create custom intent signals from trusted data sources in 3 minutes. Bluebirds continuously scans your market and delivers ready-to-prospect Leads to your CRM.

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Go-To-Market using Bluebirds to scale without hiring more SDRs
How it works

Create a custom intent signal in 3 mins

Start with templates that let you scrape millions of datapoints in minutes, without any learning curve.

Integrate with Salesforce to automate monthly refreshes

Get your customized intent signals and Leads natively in Salesforce. Bluebirds works out-the-box with your existing tools and reports, so there's no new learning curve for reps.

No more manual list building

Automatically enrich every Lead, Contact, and Account with your intent signals. Reps start their week with high-intent lead lists.

Contact us 
Feature 01

Reporting just works out of the box

Easily track pipeline and C/W revenue sourced from Bluebirds within your existing reports.

Feature 02

No-hassle integrations

Bluebirds works with any tool that integrates with Salesforce.
